Drug & Alcohol test,Alcohol addiction,Anger management program Alcohol education,Individual & family counseling,Sex offender evaluations
Anger management program,Sex offender evaluations,MVA Programs Mental Health counseling,Drug & Alcohol test,Alcohol addiction Individual & family counseling,DUI/DWI/DIP programs,Alcohol education Alcohol addiction,Alcohol education,MVA Programs,Drug & Alcohol test DUI/DWI/DIP programs,MVA Programs,Mental Health counseling Drug & Alcohol test,Alcohol addiction,Anger management program Alcohol education,Individual & family counseling,Sex offender evaluations
Anger management program,Sex offender evaluations,MVA Programs
Mental Health counseling,Drug & Alcohol test,Alcohol addiction Alcohol & Drug Evaluation - State Approved
Individual & family counseling,DUI/DWI/DIP programs,Alcohol education Alcohol Education (12 Hours) - State Approved
Alcohol addiction,Alcohol education,MVA Programs,Drug & Alcohol test Alcohol & Drug Treatment (26 Weeks) - State Approved
DUI/DWI/DIP programs,MVA Programs,Mental Health counseling Psychological Evaluation (Mental Health)
Drug & Alcohol test,Alcohol addiction,Anger management program Anger Management
Alcohol education,Individual & family counseling,Sex offender evaluations Individual & Family Counseling
Anger management program,Sex offender evaluations,MVA Programs Sex Offender Evaluations

Alcohol & Drug Evaluation - State Approved

Mainly directed to individuals involved in DUI/DWI cases. A correctly approached psychosocial evaluation, and following treatment and education can make a difference on how the court is going to look at you, and most likely will determine the end result of your case.

Alcohol Education (12 Hours) - State Approved

Education groups designed to address the needs of individuals charged with DWI. Our group sessions are structured to provide meaningful and useful information on the effects of substance use and abuse in all aspects of their lives.

Alcohol & Drug Treatment (26 Weeks) - State Approved

This program helps to prevent drug and alcohol abuse and treat people who have encountered the devastation that drugs and alcohol abuse causes. We use specialized knowledge of the complexities of this problem to help individual and families back on the road to a healthy existence. Let people know and understand how the use or abuse of illicit drugs or alcohol could impact their lives in negative ways. 

Psychological Evaluation (Mental Health)

This is generally performed by a licensed psychologist when a problem that does not have a physical origin is noticed and the cause needs to be determined. This problem can exist in several realms, for example, among others: Inappropriate behavior, inappropriate mood states, failure to perform up to expected standards (as happens with some children in school).

The purpose of this evaluation is to determine what is happening in the individual’s psychological life that may be blocking their ability to behave (or feel) in a more appropriate and constructive manner. Testing can not necessarily pinpoint the precise cause of the disturbance, especially if it is a complex emotional issue, but it will give a number of clues that can help the family and the professional guide the individual in the right direction.

Anger Management

The ability for a person to control his/her temperament, particularly in stressful situations.

We can work with you and help you find the sources of, and control your anger.

Individual & Family Counseling

Individual counseling facilitates the exploration and resolution of personal problems and issues according to the needs of the individual such as: stress, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

Family counseling is a type of psychotherapy that may help to promote better relationships and understanding within a family.

Don’t let those disagreements caused by a stressful daily routine jeopardize your family unity, give yourselves another chance. We can help. Is there an addiction involved? We can help too.

Sex Offender Evaluations

Ordered by the courts, or at your attorney’s request, we go to your location if you cannot come to us. Have you been falsely accused? Let us help.

Mental Health counseling,Drug & Alcohol test,Alcohol addiction

MVA Approved Classes (DIP - 3-Hr. Drug and Alcohol Education Class) offered in cassroom (call 301-527-0854 or 301-326-4356 or 240-566-5656 or online (click here to register)

DIP, ordered by MVA due to points accumulated on your driver’s license. 3-Hr. Drug and Alcohol Education Class, mandatory for new driver’s license applicants.

Individual & family counseling,DUI/DWI/DIP programs,Alcohol education
Alcohol addiction,Alcohol education,MVA Programs,Drug & Alcohol test
DUI/DWI/DIP programs,MVA Programs,Mental Health counseling

Frederick Office
5 Hillcrest Dr, Suite B200
Frederick, MD 21703
Ph: (240)566-5656
Fax: 301-378-2930

Gaithersburg Office
101 Chestnut St, Suite 110
Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Ph: (301)527-0854
Fax: (240)243-1061

Hyattsville Office
1835 University Blvd, Suite 220
Ph: (301) 326 4356
Fax: (301) 326-4361

24 Hr Hot line: 301-512-0663

Drug & Alcohol test,Alcohol addiction,Anger management program
Alcohol education,Individual & family counseling,Sex offender evaluations
Anger management program,Sex offender evaluations,MVA Programs
Mental Health counseling,Drug & Alcohol test,Alcohol addiction
Individual & family counseling,DUI/DWI/DIP programs,Alcohol education
Alcohol addiction,Alcohol education,MVA Programs,Drug & Alcohol test
DUI/DWI/DIP programs,MVA Programs,Mental Health counseling
Drug & Alcohol test,Alcohol addiction,Anger management program  
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